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How to Meet Less & Do More, (and Enjoy It! )

There is a great mystery that cries out to be solved: why are most meetings unproductive and what can we do to change them? According to a Wall St. Journal survey, 98% of people agreed that 50% of their time in business meetings is wasted. Over the last twenty years, Dr. Brinkman has developed and trained organizations how to have great meetings that are shorter, more effective and more enjoyable!

Meeting Magic™ delivers:

  • Communication techniques that bypass conflict & create an environment where all members listen & are heard
  • Skills to control the domination of aggressive members and encourage participation of passive members
  • A platform style that allows new ideas to evolve in a group process, instead of just being shot down
  • A decision making model that appropriately integrates all members’ opinions
  • An agenda that shortens meetings while getting more accomplished

This program is ideal as a half-day session/breakout or a full-day that precedes the actual meeting. Dr. Brinkman is also prepared to integrate these practices into your meeting as an additional service offering. Meeting members receive free course materials and can purchase the Meeting Magic book and other tools to help them apply what they’ve learned in their meetings.

Click here to view "About Dr. Rick".

Download Information Kit

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Conscious Communication Secrets - Increasing your Influence, Persuasiveness & Effectiveness
Dealing With People You Can’t Stand - Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst
Service Leadership - Inspiring & Delivering Great Service
Leadership in Action - Influence Positive Behavior…Increase Motivation & Morale…Increase Productivity
Preview all of Dr. Rick's Programs

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